Thursday, May 2, 2013

How to Create Auto-Run File for Virus Execution
By Umang Patel

Auto-Run files can be useful if you want to make any Virus execution into your victims computer through the medium of Thumb Drive ( USB Drive ). This guide will help you in creating Auto-Run executable files which will make your execution easier hence giving you much control on victims PC.

Follow the below guide to create Auto-Run File .:

1. Open Notepad 
2. Type below code. :


4. Save your Notepad file as autorun.inf
5. Now everything is finished its time for the Virus execution Now just take this file and your actual Virus.exe and paste them into your pendrive.
Remember: to rename your virus exactly like in the above notepad text as it is anything.exe
6. So now that’s it you have created a autorun file which will execute as victim plugs it into the computer.
7. Now this can also be used to execute songs, images or anything so just change the format and have FUN executing.