Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Delay when opening "My Computer" or "Explorer"

When opening "My Computer" or "Explorer" you wait for several seconds and watch the little flashlight roll back and forth before finally opening. Annoying but not critical. I have seen this problem only twice and found that this fix worked for me.

Open REGEDIT, back it up, and then go to the appropriate keys and make the changes as seen below.


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersionPolicies\Explorer] "NoSaveSettings"=dword:00000000



Reboot your PC and then open My Computer, it should snap open. If not you may have other issues that are more serious.

If you are unfamiliar with modifying the registry I recommend you call a professional. And remember that we are not responsible for any damages that could occur from YOU changing the registry.

Computer Repair Lakeland, FL