Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Regarding Quotas

In my post on nurture vs. nature, thehackerfairy asked about my thoughts on some comments left after a recent Guardian article on this topic. The article helps support my claim that really it's a social problem we're facing in CS, not some difference due to biology. And the article cites my favorite developmental neuroscientist, Lise Eliot, as support.

I couldn't find the particular comment HF was alluding to, but I think the basic idea was, "Well, if men and women are biologically equal, let's get rid of quotas / affirmative action / encouragement initiatives / etc." I've seen this argument pop up in other communities of underrepresented people as well.

Here's my opinion: I am more than happy to see all of these inclusion initiatives be eliminated... once the groups of people they're targeting stop being systematically discriminated against. And for anyone who doesn't think women, people of color, people with disabilities, and LGBT people are being systematically discriminated against in STEM, I say: please come out from under that rock.