Monday, June 29, 2009

"The local policy of this system does not permit you to logon interactively"

This happened after someone made some changes to their group membership and locked themselves out of everything. You can't be a member of EVERYTHING in the list.

Rule of thumb here is DENY always overrules ALLOW.

He couldn't log in locally anymore, or remotely for that matter.
"The local policy of this system does not permit you to logon interactively"
Turns out this person had been playing and added him to a group that was denied permission to log in locally.

This just may be the case in your event. If so then check the group membership for such a person. Or maybe Group Policies.

Here is a link that may help:

Or maybe you can try this one.

Navigate to “Local Policies”, then select “User Rights Assignment”.
Find “Allow logon through Terminal Services”. Check and make sure that “Administrators” and “Remote Desktop Users” are in the list. If they aren’t, click “Add User or Group”, and add the user.
Apply and Test

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Download Windows Virtual PC Beta and Windows XP Mode Beta

Windows Virtual PC provides the capability to run multiple Windows environments such as Windows XP Mode from your Windows 7 desktop.

Visit Microsoft for more info:

This is:
Beta-new and experimental

So make sure you back your junk up.

Contact a professional to help you:
Computer Repair Lakeland, FL

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Encryption Software

In cryptography, encryption is the process of transforming information (referred to as plaintext) using an algorithm (called cipher) to make it unreadable to anyone except those possessing special knowledge, usually referred to as a key. The result of the process is encrypted information (in cryptography, referred to as ciphertext). In many contexts, the word encryption also implicitly refers to

Friday, June 26, 2009

Runonce page will not go away.
No matter how you got to this point is irrelevant but what is, is how to get rid of this cracker.

When you open Internet Explorer 7 you either get a blank page or just won't go away no matter how many times you save your settings.
Maybe you see an error that says:
Line 56 Char:2 Error: Element not found Code: 0URL: ARRRRGGGGG....

Thank God for programmers and people smarter than myself to figure this annoyance out.

Click here to "Fix this problem "

If that doesn't work, you will have to do it manually, which is how I had to do this serveral times before with other client machines.

Window XP:
Open Regedit & got to:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]"RunOnceHasShown"=dword:00000001"RunOnceComplete"=dword:00000001
For Windows 7:
Put the following in a reg file and run:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00;Changes Main Web Page to blank[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
"Start Page"=http://about:blank

As usual, we are not responsible for anything you take into your own hands, and yada...yada...yada.

Contact a professional to help you:
Computer Repair Lakeland, FL


Worm considered closely associated with the following programs that can mereplikasi himself and send a copy from computer to computer via a network connection. Once arrived, mereplikasi for the worm is activated and propagasi again. In addition propagasi, worms usually do not want that function.Network worm uses to spread the relationship network of sitem to other systems. Once active on a


Meaning the term virus is considered closely associated with the following code that is placed in a program that causes pengkopian inserted himself to one or more other programs. Program menginfeksi other programs to modify the programs. Modify the program including inserting copies of the virus program can then menginfeksi other programs. Besides only propagasi, one of this malicious programs

Trojan horse

Meaning the term is considered closely associated with the following Routine not be documented in a secret program useful. Programs that contain useful hidden code that when executed perform a function that is not desired. Execution of the program routine execution of this secret.Trojan horse program used to perform functions which are not direct the user is not authorized can not do directly.


Trapdoor considered closely associated with the following entry point not documented in a secret program to access these methods without Authentication normal. Trapdoor has been used correctly for years by programmers to find program errors.Programmers to create or eliminate the authority of special needs and setup Authentication. Trapdoor is a code that receives a specific input line or

Logic bomb

One of the program that placed the evil computer program that checks a set of conditions in the system. When conditions are found, executing a logic function that produces actions not authorized.Logic bomb on a stick to the official program that is set explode when certain conditions met. Example of conditions to trigger the logic bomb is there or not there is a certain file, a particular day of


One of the bad programs that consume system resources with mereplikasi himself. Bacteria do not destroy the file explicitly. Goal of this program is only one, namely mereplikasi himself. The program is simple bacteria can only execute two copies itself simultaneously on the system or multiprograming create two new files, each copy is a copy program files bacteria. The two copies then copy this


Keylogger is make in 2 types of the Software and Hardware, both of them have different characteristics with the same goal. Example Keylogger software is shaped Invisible Keylogger, KGB Keylogger, Stealth Keylogger and. This software can be installed on the victim computer to automatically and this software will hide himself so as not known by the victim. Victims will not be able to see this

Malicious Software

Users of computer systems already have the data and information of value for him. Protecting this data from the parties has no right is important for the operating system. This is called the security (security). An operating system has some aspects of security. Aspects of this deal, especially with the loss of data. Computer systems and data in the aspect of the threat risk (threats), aspects of

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Can't open attachments in Outlook

I Recently had a client that had problems with his Outlook opening attachments but could save them. Turns out his temp file was just overloaded with old temp files.

Visit How-To-Outlook for a great tool to help you and try and show some love by donating a few dollars for a great free program.

Contact a professional to help you:
Computer Repair Lakeland, FL

How to span Remote Desktop across multiple monitors

"Remote Desktop Connection supports high-resolution displays that can be spanned across multiple monitors. The monitors must be the same resolution and aligned side by side. To have the remote computer's desktop span multiple monitors, type Mstsc /span at a command prompt.

NoteThis feature is sometimes called continuous resolution. To toggle in and out of full-screen spanned mode, press CTRL+ALT+BREAK."

Contact a professional to help you:
Computer Repair Lakeland, FL

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


MS-DOS, short for Microsoft Disk Operating System, is an operating system that is widely used by the computer IBM-PC or compatible with it. Microsoft to make MS-DOS as a mainstream operating system, before finally stopping at the MS-DOS support slowly when they make an operating system-based graphical interface (also known as GUI) for the mainstream market, which is called as Microsoft

Monday, June 22, 2009

Free Download Computer E-book

FREE DOWNLOAD COMPUTER EBOOKWe provide blog EBook Tutorial Guide and on computer science in the form of PDF, if you need please to download it from here for free. If the e-book that you need not try to contact us via e-mail,and we will try to find it for you. Please visit our blog at any time you need e-book and tutorial computer.E-book Programming Computers Title Category Size 36 JBK

Friday, June 19, 2009

History of Operating System

History of Operating System DOS, Windows and Linux Do not forget the history ...! This sentence is not only applicable in the real world, but also in the computer world, especially the operating system.Learning the history really interesting, even though history is only the operating system / operating system (OS) of a computer. Most do not learn the history of computer operating systems, we

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Outlook error, freezing

We could not check the message you are trying to open for viruses because the virus check engine reported an error. To open the unchecked message check OK.

I fixed this by simply disabling all the add-ins and is working fine now.

This was occuring in Outlook 2003.

Computer Repair Lakeland, FL

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mozy Offsite Backup Coupon

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Offer expires June 30th.

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Computer Repair Lakeland, FL

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Computer is a tool that is used to process data in accordance with the procedures that have been formulated. The word computer is used to describe people who perkerjaannya perform arithmetic calculations, with or without hearing aids, but the meaning of these words and then moved to the machine itself. First of origin, processing information almost exclusively related to the arithmetic problem,

Monday, June 1, 2009

My blog

We avilable for you any tutorial programming computer.